Upgrading Your Small Bathroom with These Tips

When you have a teeny tiny bathroom, every inch of space is precious. Though that bathroom may seem challenging for practical use and even for decorating, with a few renovation projects and/or design updates, you’ll have a practical space with a roomier feel in no time. Consider some of the following ideas, and determine what your budget will allow to determine how big of an impact you can make on your little bathroom!


Natural light makes any space feel larger. So if you have a window, don’t cover it with shutters! Consider a translucent window shade or a stained glass window that is tone-on-tone to allow for natural light as well as privacy. If there is no window, you can imitate that warm feeling by changing your light bulbs to those that give off a warm glow.  You might also consider having a skylight installed to bring in golden rays.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

To give your small bathroom a grand feel, install a mirror over the vanity that extends to the ceiling. You don’t have to go with just a plain cut mirror either. Search for mirrors trimmed in tile or wood. Mirrors can also be set across from a window, providing the visual illusion of two windows in the same area. Another idea is to place a plain, unframed mirror over a vanity with wallpaper. The wallpaper appears to blend into the mirror’s edge, so the pattern appears to continue on through the mirror “to infinity and beyond!”  Whatever trick you use, one of these magic mirror methods can provide the the illusion of a larger bathroom.


You’ve probably heard this one before, but it’s important to keep this in mind if you’re going to paint your teeny tiny bathroom: Dark colors tend to make spaces feel more closed in, and lighter colors open spaces up.  Needless to say, stick with light, neutral colors for your small bathroom. You can add depth and creativity with patterns and textures.  If you crave color, consider splashing it in with bright hand towels and/or colorful bathroom tile.

The Sink

The type of sink and vanity you get should depend on your specific needs. If you use lots of accessories and toiletries each day at your sink, then you need a lot of storage. Consider a vanity with counter cabinet doors. In the cabinet, you can add organizational drawers and shelving. If you don’t have many storage needs and would rather focus on decor, a pedestal sink may be the right look for you. Other options include wall mounted sinks with shelving below and sinks that fit in the corner.  You’ll find lots of options on those designs from traditional to ultra-modern, so take your pick. A new sink can really change the look of your bathroom, but again, be sure it will fit your needs.

The Shower

In your little bathroom, it’s likely you have either just a shower or a bathtub with a shower. If possible, a great stylish update that makes your bathroom look larger is adding a glass door enclosure. It will even feel larger when you’re showering. If that’s just not an option, stick with a light colored shower curtain and install it at a higher height than usual. This contributes to a visual illusion, as if the room has been elongated.

Rub a Dub Dub – Get Rid of That Tub!

According to The American Institute of Architects survey of Home Design Trends, there’s a trend growing for homeowners to move toward a tub-less bathroom.  In 2012 when homeowners were first surveyed about tub-less bathrooms, 49% stated they would prefer a shower without a tub. By 2013, that number increased to 60%. Real estate agents, however, continue to strongly advise that homeowners should be sure that at least one bathroom in the home does have a tub to keep their home more marketable. Close to 60% of those responding to a recent Houzz poll agreed with the statement that a house will never sell without a tub. Whether it’s for washing blinds, bathing kids, or enjoying bubble baths, people want at least one tub. When considering your remodeling options for bathrooms, be sure to focus on the trends both current and upcoming.

Surfaces with Style 

When installing that new shower, you want to make sure it has style and flare. To achieve just that, consider surfaces like river rock, glass, glazed ceramic tiles, stone, marble or quartz slabs. A professional can create a tile design that will have your shower looking like an art masterpiece. If the tile of your dreams is beyond your budget, consider field tiles that are much less expensive. The more expensive tiles can be inlaid or placed as a border for a beautiful accent that is much easier on your budget.

“It’s what’s on the inside that counts!”

You remember learning that lesson when you were little, and it’s actually a good one to remember when thinking about your shower conversion. When designing your new shower, keep in mind that the inside should be just as practical as the new outside design is beautiful. There are lots of interior “special touches” you can consider for your shower. For example, ladies might especially enjoy a bench that is built-in to sit on when shaving legs, and men may relish having a shaving mirror built right into the shower. And then there’s the actual showerhead to consider. There are lots of options there:  standard, steam-shower, handheld spray, and the rainfall showerhead. It’s also important to keep in mind continuing with the metal finishes that are already established in your bathroom (chrome or brushed nickel for example). Last, but not least, don’t skimp on the lighting. The right lighting in your bathroom can greatly add to the style design of your renovation.

A Professional Bathroom Redesign

If you have a small bathroom that just isn’t working for you and your family anymore, contact us for a free consultation.  We’ll evaluate your bathroom with you, listen to your needs and your desires, and discuss some possible solutions.  Our knowledgeable professional team will work with you to maximize that little bathroom space while updating it at the same time and at a price that’s right for your budget!





